تعبير عن شخصيه مشهوره بالانقلش

تعبير عن شخصيه مشهوره بالانقلش

تعبير عن شخصيه مشهوره بالانقلش او تعبير عن شخصية مشهورة بالانجليزي هو ما يبحث عنه الكثير من طلابنا علي شبكة الانترنت ، ولكم يسعدنا ان ننشر لكم هذا الموضوع علي موقع كوريكسا.

تعبير عن شخصيه مشهوره بالانقلش

الملك فيصل

حكم الملك فيصل

King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz was born in Riyadh in April 1906, he is the third king of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the third son of King Abdulaziz, his mother is Princess Tarfa bint Abdullah bin Abdul Latif Al Sheikh, from the descendants of the Imam of the Dawa Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, his mother died in 1912 His maternal grandmother raised him, and his grandfather taught him, copied Islam, as King Faisal learned, horse riding and politics from his father, and he developed high values ​​and principles and was known for his courage, fitness and intelligence since childhood.

He was commissioned by his father to represent him in international forums at a very young age, and in 1919, King Abdulaziz sent him on an official visit to Britain, and he was 14 years old, which made him the first Saudi royal to visit the country, in 1925, Prince Faisal achieved, led by An army of loyalists to Saudi Arabia, a decisive victory in the Hijaz, and then he was appointed Deputy King of Hijaz in 1926, and in 1930, he became Minister of Foreign Affairs.

مدة حكم الملك فيصل

After King Saud bin Abdulaziz assumed the throne in 1953, Prince Faisal was appointed crown prince, and in March 1964, he was appointed regent, and a meeting of the senior royals and scholars was held later that year, and the Grand Mufti issued a second fatwa, calling on King Saud To abdicate in favor of his brother, King Saud agreed and abdicated the throne, and Prince Faisal was declared king on November 2, 1964, and he continued to rule until his martyrdom in March 1975.

إنجازات الملك فيصل

King Faisal was an innovator with a vision and had great respect for traditions. He launched the first economic and social development plans that would transform the infrastructure of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially industry. He also established the first government school for girls, and many universities were established during his reign.

The culmination of his achievements in modernizing the kingdom was the creation of a judicial system, and in 1970, he established the Ministry of Justice and inaugurated the country’s first “five-year plan” for economic development.

In foreign policy, King Faisal demonstrated a steadfast commitment to the Islamic world, and was the central force behind the establishment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in Jeddah in 1971, and during October 1973, King Faisal withdrew oil from world markets, in protest against Western support for Israel. Oil prices were the main force behind the energy crisis in 1973, and this earned him a permanent position among many Arabs, and in 1974, he was named The Times’ Man of the Year.